June 20

6:00 PM

Dr. Bukowski will share her research comparing forest restoration projects and the expansion of marine protected areas in the Azores and in Costa Rica. Beautiful slides, informative discussion!

Restoring the Forests and Protecting the Seas: Successes and challenges in The Azores and Costa Rica Dr. Jeanie Bukowski, Bradley University Peoria Public Library, North Branch

Dr. Jeanie Bukowski will discuss her Fulbright Scholar research comparing forest restoration projects and expansion of marine protected areas in the Portuguese autonomous region The Azores, and the Guanacaste province of Costa Rica. Networks of social, economic, and political actors in these two areas face similar challenges in achieving sustainable development within their respective ecosystems, including impacts of the tourism, agriculture, and transportation industries, insufficient resources, and climate change. This event is free and open to the public. The library will also share this event with the Peoria READS! crowd that is focusing on climate change and sustainability for a lively discussion!