February 29

7:00 PM

This event is via Zoom. NOTE: There is no charge for this program, but priority will be given to current members of PAWAC for the limited spots. Ensure your place by making certain your dues are up to date. Contact Angela at director@pawac.org

Beyond the Two State Solution: A Discussion of Gaza and Israel with Jonathan Kuttab

Jonathan Kuttab is an international human rights attorney, co-founder of Nonviolence International, and co-founder of the Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq. He is also exective director of Friends of Sabeel North America, an interdenominational Christian organization seeking justice and peace in the Holy Land. He will join us for a candid conversation about the current situation on the ground and what options are possible to achieve a lasting peace. His book by the same title is available here https://www.nonviolenceinternational.net/beyond2states