February 9

5:00 PM

With a direct message for UNIVERSITY STUDENTS, Shalonda Spencer, Executive Director of Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security, will help us imagine the impact of a more inclusive reflection of all the talented elements of American society in representing our country to the world and to ourselves.

Reflections of America in Foreign Affairs and Immigration Policies Featuring Shalonda Spencer, Executive Director Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security (WCAPS)

This event will be held in person in the Marty Theater, lower level of the Student Center, at Bradley University, and on Zoom. Attendees in person must be vaccinated and wear masks at all times on campus. This event is intended for the students of Bradley University, although it is open to the public. Community members are encouraged to join us on Thursday, February 10, at the Peoria Public Library North Branch.

The face the United States shows to the world in its foreign affairs and immigration policies should reflect the faces of our citizenry. Arguing that the best policies are those that are crafted with the input of diverse voices, Shalonda Spencer will address how to make sure that the people invited to the table to work on those policies include people of color, ethnic groups, religious interests, gender and ability voices.